Scarlett Davis
How it Started
Scarlett started Alma Husky Rescue and Outreach in 2023 and has since rescued over 200 dogs including full litters of puppies and their moms, strays, severely abused dogs, sick dogs, and dogs facing euthanasia at shelters. She recognized that there was a problem with strayed and abandoned dogs in her area and she made it her mission to do something about it. Starting the rescue was not an easy task and it took a lot of time and dedication to get it going and to keep it going. The amount of work that had to be done did not scare her away from putting in all of the effort possible to make the change she wanted to see. While she did not start from day one as an “official” rescue, she worked hard to become the 501c3 certified rescue she is today.
Who She IS
She is a selfless person who has made many sacrifices to ensure the safety and well being of hundreds of dogs over the past (YEARS). She spends countless hours day and night taking care of Rescues doing things like cleaning kennels, feeding, transporting to and from vet appointments, giving them the time and attention they need, and so much more. She has sacrificed so much of her personal life to keep the rescue going and despite the struggles that come with it, she has never given up. She is a very motivated woman with a strong mindset. She faces many challenges everyday, but never lets those challenges stop her from moving forward. She has a pure heart, one that is rare to come by. She is good to everyone, not just the dogs. Always putting herself last, she spends her life doing all she can to make a difference in every way she can. With all of the sacrifices she makes, she never asks for anything for herself. She is truly one of a kind and while she may not change the world, she changes the entire world of each person and dog she meets.
Even On the Bad Days
Running a rescue is not always what it may appear to be to those who are outside looking in. It’s more than just spending all day doing the simple or fun things likes playing with the dogs and pouring food into a bowl. It requires a lot of energy, motivation and hard work. Like all people, Scarlett has bad days too. Her bad days are filled with the struggle of constantly draining herself to benefit others. She has days where she is frustrated with lack of support and resources she needs to care for the dogs, emotional moments when caring for sick or injured dogs, and feeling let down or disappointed when things do not work out. She takes to heart each and every dog that finds their way to the rescue and while that is a good thing, it also brings her a great deal of heartache. Despite all of the hard days, she wipes away her tears and keeps going. Being able to withstand the storms the way she does is a large part of what makes her perfect for what she does. It takes a strong person to push through all of the tough days that come with owning and running a rescue, and Scarlett has extraordinary strength. She never stops working, never stops giving all she has, and she never gives up, even on the bad days.